Fabien Cros and Stephan Liozu have spent the past eighteen months immersed in the field of sustainability and ESG (environmental, social, and governance), specifically focusing on pricing, value, and monetization. They have extensively researched and read scholarly papers, connected with experts, and participated in conferences and presentations.
As a result, they have compiled a collection of reference papers and identified the Top 40 Thinkers in Sustainability Monetization and Pricing. These thinkers come from diverse backgrounds, locations, and professional fields. The selection process involved thorough exploration of literature, conferences, personal contributions, and the Pricing for the Planet Summit held in Paris in 2023. To ensure a comprehensive representation of achievements, a formal ranking methodology will be implemented in the future.
For now, the inaugural edition of the Top 40 Thinkers for 2023 has been established, presented in alphabetical order, with information about their affiliations, titles, credentials, and LinkedIn profiles. The search for exceptional thinkers will continue in 2024, building on ongoing research efforts and fostering connections.
We encourage you to delve into their work, establish connections with them on LinkedIn, and remain attentive for our 2024 call for Thinkers, which will be announced on LinkedIn and our official website.
However, if you are eager to submit your candidacy beforehand, you may email us at info@pricingfortheplanet.com.
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